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Hey there! We are Enfold and we make really beautiful and amazing stuff.
This can be used to describe what you do, how you do it, & who you do it for.
Hey there! We are Enfold and we make really beautiful and amazing stuff.
This can be used to describe what you do, how you do it, & who you do it for.
+982144250995- +982144283711
Behineh Sazan Sanat Tasisat, Knowledge-Based Company” with registration number 233670 was established in Mehr, 1383 (Seprember/October, 2004) with the participation of a number of experienced specialists in the field of fuel, combustion, industrial equipment, and processes. This company provides “research, consulting, design, procurement, and implementation” services in the field of energy management and related facilities and equipment for government and private organizations, utilizing technology, innovation, and appropriate standards.
© 2023 Copy Right – Behineh Sazan Sanat Tasisat – Energy management and Boiler Room services | Design : Mohammad bahraminejad